Merisyl Campaign Setting, 2007-2024

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Apsu, Asmodeus, Dahak, Pharasma from Lost Omens Gods & Magic (Second Edition) (c) 2020, Paizo, Inc: Authors: Robert Adducci, Amirali Attar Olyaee, Calder David, James Case, Adam Daigle, Katina Davis, Leo Glass, Joshua Grinilnton, James Jacomes, Virginia Jordan, Jason Keely, Jacky Leung, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Stephanie Lundee, Jacob W. Michaels, Matt Morris, Dave Nelson, Samantha Phelan, Jennifer Povey, Jessica Redekop, Nathan Reinecke, Patrick Renie, David N. Ross, Simone D. Salle, Michael Sayre, David Schwartz, Shahreena Shahrani, Isabelle Thorne, Marc Thuat, Jason Taondro, and Diego Valdez