Chaotic Good – Goddess of fire, mining, smithing, metal and gems. She takes the form of an immaculate Crystal Dragon. “The Flame’s Kiss, The Flawless Cut, Orefinder, Mistress of the Forge“

Ator is the goddess of fire, as well as mining and smithing and the basic materials associated with those endeavors. She is an ancient deity who some say was responsible for creating the molten furnace that burns at the center of Merisyl. Her followers often argue that if it weren’t for her endeavors, Merisyl would have remained a cold, barren rock floating through the void.
On one hand, Ator is as chaotic as the flames she is associated with. What she takes an interest in one day will be left in her wake like ashes as she moves onto something else the next. She is not one to champion causes that will take a long time to resolve themselves, nor is she known for laying out intricate plans.
The one area that proves an exception to her otherwise flighty nature is the artistry involved with making items from metal or gems. Ator is fascinated with metalworking and gem crafting, and to a lesser extent the activities necessary to acquire the raw components needed for those endeavors. While she has been known to appear and dance amongst the flames of a fire raging through a town, she has also been known to appear to a smith or jeweler in the midst of crafting a masterpiece and lend her love of metal and gems as inspiration for the task at hand. Likewise, she has been known to send divine inspiration to miners and point them towards particularly large deposits of gems or metal.
Ator is most commonly depicted as a flawless crystal dragon, but she also appears at times as a human or morphic woman bedecked in jewelry made from the finest metals and encrusted with numerous gemstones. Sometimes she will also be wearing a perfectly forged set of armor or carrying a weapon of unsurpassed quality. She has been known to bestow one of her pieces of jewelry as a token of her favor to followers who particularly impress her, usually with a perfectly-wrought piece of jewelry, weapon or armor.
There is, however, one apocryphal tale of Ator rewarding an apprentice smith for making the perfect set of nails. She is said to have appeared to him just as he was about to throw the nails in a pail of finished product. She took the nails from him and held them up to the light of the nearby forge and inspected them. After gazing at the nails for a matter of minutes, Ator turned to the apprentice and handed him a platinum ring and commended him on the “nails that would save the kingdom.” She then smiled and disappeared in a flash of heat and flame. The apprentice laid the nails reverently on his forge and went to find the local priest of Ator. While he was gone, his master came into the workshop and collected the pail of finished nails and threw the nails on the forge in with the rest where they were eventually used to shoe the horse of the king’s champion. Two days later, the king’s champion led the kingdom’s army into battle against an invading horde. Being trained for warfare, the champion’s horse struck many an opponent with its hooves over the battle as it drug out for three days. Nearing the climax of the battle, the champion and his horse found a moment of peace as the battle moved away from them. The champion took the opportunity to examine his horse’s gear for damage and found that though the horse’s two front shoes were mangled and worn thin from constant use over the course of the battle, they still held strong in place, thanks to an unusually sturdy set of nails. It was due to those nails that the champion’s horse never faltered over the course of the long battle and he was able to lead the kingdom’s forces to victory.
Though some consider Ator to be a vain goddess due to her bedecking herself in so many pieces of jewelry, this is not the truth of the matter. While some find beauty in a particularly attractive mortal, a sunrise or other naturally occurring phenomenon, Ator sees the beauty in objects wrought by mortal hands. The way a gem reflects light after going under the jeweler’s knife. The way the intricate inlay on a breastplate reflects firelight. The way blood runs freely down the perfectly crafted fuller in the blade of a sword. Natural objects reshaped and repurposed by mortal hands, these are what Ator finds beautiful. For while most anyone can take a lump of gold and sell it for its base value, only a true artist can turn it into a beautiful piece of jewelry. So though some would say that the goddess bedecks herself in gems and jewelry to enhance her own appearance, this is not so. She does so out of a love for the objects themselves. When she holds a ring up to watch the light reflect off of it, she is not admiring the way that it sits upon her finger, but instead admiring it for the beauty it possesses in and of itself.
Fire. Fire is what helps mortals shape metal and gems into the objects of beauty that Ator so adores. If for this reason alone, she would love fire. But fire is so much more to her. It is the primal energy at the center of all things. It provides protection from the cold and the dark. It renews the land and allows for new growth. But most importantly, it burns so beautifully. Whether the flames are consuming inanimate or animate objects, they dance in a hypnotic way that can transfix a person. Ator loves this aspect of fire and it is why she considers fire hers. While naturally occurring fires are to be enjoyed, Ator takes even more pleasure from fires started by mortal hands. Even the lowly flames flickering in a lone campfire are engaging as far as she is concerned, and many is the prayer offered to Ator by weary travelers looking to cook their food over an open flame or start a fire for protection and warmth as night closes in around them.
Ator does not generally concern herself with the machinations of the various political factions of Merisyl. What does it matter to her who rules over a particular plot of land? She knows that all of the mortal races covet the metal and gems that she so fancies, so whether it is an evil tyrant or benign lord ruling over a particular place, she knows that the things she loves will be embraced by whomever is in charge and she will be able to move amongst the populace on the rare occasions it strikes her fancy and see all of the lovely items that are often crafted if not in her name, with at least some thanks to her.
The Church
Ator’s church is a diverse and loosely organized body, reflecting her dual nature as a goddess of both artistry and chaos. While no strict hierarchy binds her followers, they often defer to the wisdom of the eldest or most skilled members in their community. The church encompasses three primary denominations, each representing a distinct facet of Ator’s divine influence:
The Radiant Artisan Order
Focused on the creation of beauty, the Radiant Artisans believe that true devotion to Ator lies in crafting items that inspire awe and elevate the human spirit. They specialize in fine jewelry, intricate metalwork, and ornamental designs, seeing their creations as acts of worship. Members of this denomination often serve as master jewelers or artists in larger cities, adorning temples and public spaces with their work. Rituals in this sect often involve blessings of completed artworks, invoking Ator to shine her light upon their creations and those who behold them.
The Flameforged Stewards
Dedicated to improving the lives of others through functional craftsmanship, the Flameforged Stewards channel Ator’s blessings into practical creations. They produce tools, weapons, and everyday items of exceptional quality, aiming to uplift communities and empower individuals. To the Stewards, every hammer blow in the forge is a prayer, and their workshops often double as centers for education, teaching apprentices the sacred art of smithing. Many members of this denomination also engage in trade, forging partnerships with guilds to ensure their work reaches those in need.
The Emberclad Seekers
Celebrating the transformative and unpredictable power of fire, the Emberclad Seekers embrace Ator’s chaotic side. They view fire as a metaphor for change, destruction, and rebirth, believing it necessary for growth. Members of this denomination often perform purification rituals involving flames, such as burning away impurities from metals or symbolically shedding the old to embrace the new. Some Emberclad Seekers serve as spiritual guides, helping communities adapt to change or rebuild after hardship, while others undertake pilgrimages to volcanic regions, which they consider sacred sites.
These denominations coexist under Ator’s expansive faith, and while their focuses differ, they all honor her creative and transformative nature. This diversity fosters vibrant, multifaceted communities that embody Ator’s teachings in every aspect of life.
Athear of the Forge – Ator’s temples tend to be large, elaborate affairs with much metalwork combined into the architecture of the buildings. It is also not uncommon for a temple to have many gemstones inlaid in various patterns or forming mosaics on the walls. Some temples have even commissioned large sculptures carved from precious gemstones and combined in intricate lattices to form statues of Ator in her crystal dragon form. Most temples will also have an altar that incorporates a large perpetually burning fire (sometimes achieved through magic, sometimes through more mundane means) into which worshippers can toss offerings to Ator. Often this fire will have a large diamond set above or in it to resemble Ator’s holy symbol.
Most of Ator’s temples can be considered “working” temples because they have one or more forges or jeweler’s shops incorporated into them. Indeed, a large part of the church’s funding comes from products crafted by its members. Those temples that don’t include one or more of those functional areas are still usually located near sections of a given town that contain those types of craftsmen.
Shrines to Ator are usually small but intricate affairs designed with multiple metal parts and gemstones inset into them. In more remote areas they are usually smaller affairs forged from common metals with cheaper gemstones so as not to be too tempting to thieves. Though Ator has on occasion been known to set aflame would-be thieves seeking to pilfer from her shrines, so it takes a brave scoundrel indeed to risk it, especially for some of the baser metals and gems that amount to little more than paste and glass. One would think Ator would turn up her nose at the lesser materials used in her more remote shrines, but given the artistry of her devotees, she is often impressed with what they can accomplish even when not using the best of materials.
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