
Coalte is a medium-sized city on the west coast of Verchix on the Bay of Morrazu. Sometimes called the “Gateway to Verchix”, it is a largest shipping trade center on the continent.

Ocean currents bring the warm water from the geothermal activity on the south end of Verchix up around the west coast and into the Bay of Morrazu. This creates an ideal environment for the rainforest which makes up much of the bay area. The warm water also attracts a plethora of ocean life, and the natural formation of the bay protects the shore from the worst of the ocean storms. No wonder, then, that people settled on the Bay and carved out the city of Coalte from the resource-rich environment.

On the outskirts of the city the jungle gives way to vast swathes of farmland interspersed with many small streams. Within the city proper, There are rows of tidy houses of white brick and a relaxed flow of pedestrians along the tree-lined roads. This gradually gives way to the bustle of activity surrounding the docks.

The jungle wildlife and urban activity have reached a comfortable cohabitation in the city, with Giant Flying Squirrels commonly scolding pedestrians from the safety of the trees, monkeys clambering across the rooftops, and the occasional Giant Gecko – smaller, gentler cousins of some of the enormous beasts that can be found in the deep jungle.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Pamanu Jorr

The Pamanu Jorr is a charity of sorts, heavily supported by virtually all of the elite citizens of the city. The benefactors of this well-funded charity are actually the population of monkeys in the city. The charity funds monkey shelters and legislation that protects the monkeys, as well as a fund to reimburse merchants for goods that the monkeys steal from their carts fairly regularly. The squirrels are indirect beneficiaries of this largess, and often poach the monkeys’ food and shelter.