A relatively small city composed mostly of Korthjach, located in the Indigo Swamp.


Kethend’s economy is primarily stimulated by trade with the upriver settlements along the U^to! river and the mountain city of Durban. Unique marsh plants are cultivated, which can prove lucrative, if often dangerous. Water Hemlock, for example, is a very toxic plant; but if handled with care, its poison fetches a fair price. The local Korthjach possess minor resistance to the poison, but can still be killed by ingesting roots or too many seeds (this doesn’t stop the more eccentric ones from using small amounts as seasoning in particularly expensive meals).

Other cultivated plants include Water Artichoke, various reeds used in basket-weaving and ornaments, and the aptly named ‘Saltato’, a crop that in reality, is just a potato that is particularly salty due to the saltwater marsh conditions. Despite its simplicity, the Saltato is widely popular, and is responsible for much of Kethend’s economic success.

Being stimulated by water-based trade, Kethend has developed a reasonably large shipping industry. Hopeful inventors continually seek to perfect their marsh and river boat designs, while tar suppliers for waterproofing expend lots of money searching for the largest and highest quality peat deposits in the marsh to make their tar from. Kethend imports most of its necessary goods from Oesta, including meat products, textiles, and lumber. Metals, primarily iron, are imported from Durban, which is also located upriver.


While Korthjach remain the most populous race in the region, other races and cultures have slowly been increasing in presence due to the growing sea trade. Most people here can speak Draconic and Common, and the Korthjach of course can speak Korthan. In public settings, Draconic is most frequently used, but in parts of the city further from the ports, Korthan is dominant. The vast majority of farmers in the marsh are Korthjach, who tend to be accepting of the increasing other races, as they’ve brought prosperity to the city. These other races tend to live in or around the ports. Residents of Kethend are often described as practically-minded, with appreciations for smaller joys in life, such as the smoky whiskeys commonly served in Kethend taverns.


The political leader of Kethend is known as the Viceroy, and makes political decisions with the advice of his council. Viceroys are typically all from a single Korthjach ‘noble’ family, which was reputably among the first to settle the marsh, and became de facto leader of the original settlement. However, friends of the family have occasionally been appointed to the position, as the succession is determined by whomever the Viceroy names his successor.

While not written as law, Viceroys have followed the tradition of leading for 7 years before resigning to a slightly lesser political position, such as a member of the new Viceroy’s council. Each Viceroy chooses the members of his council, which is typically made up of equal parts important trade representatives and members of the ruling family or its friends. While there are few legal limitations imposed on the Viceroy’s power, it is well understood that a very unpopular Viceroy can, and will, be deposed of by the general public, as has happened at times before.

Lesser positions in governing are divided into categories based upon aspects of the city, rather than geographical divisions, and serve to execute laws. For example, the Office of Agriculture enforces laws relevant to farming procedures, while the Office of Properties decides the outcomes of land ownership disputes and deals with acquiring land for government purposes. The most important divisions are the Offices of Agriculture, Seafaring, Trade, and Justice. Offices will often share authority over different situations, and work together to resolve issues. In case of two or more Offices disagreeing, the Office of Office Regulation is responsible for fairly negotiating a solution between them.

Citizens are well aware that the title of Viceroy is more often used in reference to much higher governmental ranks, and consider it to be fairly humorous. This, among other things, helps add to the common person’s sense that the Viceroy is close to the common people, and represent them relatively fairly.

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