Morphics are a race of humanoids descended from Dragons who bred while transformed into a humanoid race. Morphics breed true within their own race, so a Morphic can have either two Dragon parents (known to those bigoted enough to make a distinction as True Morphics) or two Morphic parents (known as Common Morphics).
Individual personalities vary greatly among Morphics. Many True Morphics are the result of poor planning, as most female Dragons would not allow themselves to be stuck in humanoid form for the duration of a pregnancy. As a result a True Morphic will often be abandoned at a temple or a settlement of one of the Draconic races. This results in feelings of being unwanted or undesirable, which in turn can cause behavior ranging from striving for approval and acceptance to being perpetually bitter and angry.
More rare are True Morphics whose Dragon parents made a conscious decision to bear a Morphic child, and give them the support and nurturing that only devoted parents with immense power can possibly provide. These Morphic children are likely to be smugly superior and view Common Morphics with contempt or pity. True Morphics from either background are often bitter that they were birthed as Morphics rather than Dragons, which they view as the birthright of which they were robbed.
Common Morphics are less affected by this wide range of behaviors, as they are frequently the product of normal loving parents. They feel strong ties to their Dragon ancestors, but no angst around being born as humanoids rather than Dragons. They may view themselves as superior to other humanoid races, but typically do not dwell much upon their differences.
Temperament of individual Morphics is only marginally influenced by the type of Dragon ancestry in their background. It is not true, for example, that Morphics descended from Red Dragons are ferocious and vengeful.
Morphics can be any adventuring class. Those that take up adventuring are often those that strive for approval from others. As such they will often take up noble causes and challenging tasks. Their natural charisma often puts them in a position of being a party spokesman or leader.
You Might…
- Often have a sense of “not belonging” – feeling that your Draconic ancestry sets you apart from other races, while still being something less than a Dragon.
- Appreciate the natural wonder and Magic of Merisyl, recognizing that its energy flows through all things, and all life is connected by this energy.
- Throw yourself completely into every endeavor you undertake, believing your Dragon ancestry makes you capable of incredible things given sufficient effort.
Others Probably…
- Assume you you have powerful friends because of your bloodlines.
- Secretly wonder if you’re actually a dragon in Anthropomorphic Form.
- Have high expectations of you when they first meet you.

Physical Description
While the form worn by the Dragon ancestors at conception plays some part in the detailed appearance of a Morphic, the strength of Dragon magic is such that Morphics share features that distinguish them regardless of the shape their progenitors assumed.
The Draconic ancestry of Morphics can manifest in a variety of physical attributes. For example, their eyes might be larger than normal, appear to glow in darkness, or have narrow vertical pupils. They may have have enlarged canines or incisors. Morphics may have minimal body hair, with what they do have being extremely thick, strong and glossy. The hair color will often reflect the skin color of the Morphic’s Dragon ancestry, which can be quite striking when that ancestry is a Blue or Silver Dragon. Their skulls may also have bone structures similar to that of their Dragon ancestors. For example, the descendant of Bronze Dragons may have a fluted crest sweeping back from the cheeks and eyes.
Most Morphics have a high metabolism, and do not easily put on fat or excess body weight. resulting in a lean, fit look and an extremely well defined musculature. This, combined with their Draconic features and aura of concealed power, gives them a charismatic presence.
Morphic relations with other races can see extremes. They may be either revered and honored for their Dragon heritage or hated and despised for their arrogance, depending on how they have dealt with the challenges of a Morphic heritage. There are no stereotypes which can be applied to Morphic relations.
Morphics can be found in any land, but have no lands to call their own. In larger cities where their numbers are significant they may have their own enclaves.
Most Morphics worship Dragons in the draconic pantheon, but some search elsewhere for higher powers to devote themselves to. The Morphics who search elsewhere say that their Dragon ancestry makes them less mysterious and less worthy of devotion.
Morphics speak Draconic and most also speak Trader Common.
Morphic names are usually of Draconic origin, and may include a color from one of their Dragon ancestors.
Sample Names
Evuril Aurix (Evuril Gold), Maliir Vutha (Maliir Black), Achuak Caesin (Green Forest)
Human Heritage
The blood of dragons runs in your veins. Choose a draconic exemplar (as the kobold feature of the same name). You gain resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1) to the damage type associated with your draconic exemplar. Double this resistance against dragons’ Breath Weapons.
Ancestry Feats
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels.) You select from among the following ancestry feats.
1st Level
Dragon’s Teeth – Feat 1 (Morphic)
Your teeth are sharp, and your lungs have inherited a small degree of your exemplar’s breath. You gain a jaws unarmed attack. This is a finesse unarmed attack in the brawling weapon group that deals 1d6 piercing damage, as well as 1 additional damage of the type associated with your draconic exemplar. Instead of the normal critical specialization effect, the target takes 1d6 persistent damage of the same type; you gain a bonus on this persistent damage equal to your item bonus to attack rolls on unarmed attacks.
Frightful Appearance- Feat 1 (Morphic)
You are trained in Intimidation (or another skill of your choice, if you were already trained in Intimidation) and gain the Intimidating Glare skill feat as a bonus feat.
Morphic Breath <><> – Feat 1 (Morphic, Arcane, Evocation)
You channel your draconic exemplar’s power into a gout of energy that manifests as a 30-foot line or a 15-foot cone, dealing 1d4 damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic saving throw against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. You can’t use this ability again for 1d4 rounds.
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d4. The shape of the breath, the damage type, and the saving throw match those of your draconic exemplar. This ability has the trait associated with the type of damage it deals.
Morphic Lore – Feat 1 (Morphic)
You deeply understand your people’s cultural traditions and innate strengths. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Diplomacy and Society. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Morphic Lore.
Reverence – Feat 1 (Morphic)
You hold a deep reverence for the draconic deities of Merisyl. Choose one cantrip from the divine spell list. You can cast this spell as a divine innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up
5th Level
Draconic Authority – Feat 5 (Morphic)
You know just how to play off of your strong draconic features when among other draconic ancestries. When you Make an Impression or Coerce a creature with the Dragon, Ixen, Kobold, or Morphic traits, you treat critical failures as normal failures and successes as critical successes.
Inspired Leadership – Feat 5 (Morphic)
You know how to get the most out of your allies. When your allies are Following the Expert while you are leading, you grant a +3 circumstance bonus instead of +2 if you’re an expert in the applicable skill, and a +4 circumstance bonus if you’re a master.
Thickened Blood – Feat 5 (Morphic)
You have developed an incredible resilience against the energy type of your draconic exemplar, increasing your resistance to that energy type to half your level plus 3.
9th Level
Heroic Deeds – Feat 9 (Morphic)
The elemental energy of your ancestry runs through your veins, especially in dire straits. You gain heroism as a 3rd-level innate divine spell that you can cast once per day. If you Cast the Spell when you have half or fewer Hit Points, you also gain temporary Hit Points equal to twice your level.
Dragon Breath – Feat 9 (Morphic)
Prerequisites: Morphic Breath
You can put more effort into your Morphic Breath to channel greater draconic power, though it takes more out of you. When you use Morphic Breath, you can increase the damage dice to d8s and increase the area to 60 feet for a line breath weapon or 30 feet for a cone. If you do, you can’t use Morphic Breath again for 1 hour.
Dragonstrider – Feat 9 (Morphic)
Your limbs remember the power of your draconic heritage. You gain one of the below based on your draconic exemplar:
- (Copper, White) You gain a climb speed of 10 feet.
- (Black, Brass, Gold, Green) You gain a swim speed of 10 feet.
- (Blue, Bronze, Red, Silver) You can Leap an additional 5 feet horizontally, or an additional two feet vertically.
Thick-Skinned – Feat 9 (Morphic)
Your hardiness lets you withstand more punishment than most before going down. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. When you have the dying condition, the DC of your recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying value (instead of 10 + your dying value).
If you also have the Toughness feat, the Hit Points gained from it and this feat are cumulative, and the DC of your recovery checks is equal to 6 + your dying value.
Frightful Roar <> – Feat 9 (Auditory, Emotion, Fear, Morphic)
You bellow, instilling fear in your enemies. When you use Demoralize, rather than targeting one creature within 30 feet, you may instead choose to target up to 5 creatures within 10 feet.
13th Level
Take to the Skies – Feat 13 (Morphic)
You have centered your training around draconic abilities, unlocking the ability to transform your body to take flight. Once per day you can cast Aerial Form as an innate primal or arcane spell (chosen when this feat is selected), which may be heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up. The only form available is Drake:
Drake (Medium) Speed 20 feet, fly Speed 60 feet; Melee jaws, Damage 2d8 piercing; Melee claw, Damage 2d6 slashing.
17th Level
Ancestral Form – Feat 17 (Morphic)
Prerequisite: Take to the Skies
You have learned to assume the form of your powerful ancestors. Once per day you can cast Dragon Form as an innate 6th level spell of the same tradition chosen in Take to the Skies, though you may only select the form matching your draconic exemplar.
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